What’s happening events must be open to the public or virtual, of general interest, 60 words or less, and received at least two weeks prior to the event. Please include ticket prices, if any, and a phone number or website where readers can obtain more information. Email notices to [email protected]
With pandemic cancellations common, we recommend you verify before attending any community event.
Pulmonary Rehab
Manage lung disease, at West and North Lambton Community Health Centre’s Pulmonary Rehab. Virtual maintenance for existing clients, Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Virtual 8-week program for new clients, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 460 Christina St. N., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more, call 519-491-2123, ext. 227
Low Impact Exercise
Exercise classes offered Thursdays at Mooretown Sports Complex, 1166 Emily St. Call 519-344-3017 for times. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. Register at first class or online at www.nlchc.com/services/wellness-programs
Shibashi classes offered Thursdays at Mooretown Sports Complex, 1166 Emily St., 2:30 p.m. Easy to learn, perfect for beginners. Register at first class or online at www.nlchc.com/services/wellness-programs
West Lambton Community Health Centre holding Shibashi classes, Fridays at the Canatara Park Picnic Pavilion, 10 a.m. Easy to learn, perfect for beginners. Register at first class or online. For more, call 519-344-3017
Virtual Shibashi
West Lambton Community Health Centre holding virtual Shibashi classes on Fridays, 11 a.m. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 237 or email [email protected] to receive Zoom link
Royal Canadian Naval Club holding a bazaar featuring 20 local vendors, baked goods, and a Hot Lunch Cafe. 1420 Lougar Ave., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds to support Relay for Life. Social distancing protocols in effect. For more, call 519-330-5068
Low Impact Exercise
Exercise classes offered Mondays at the Centennial Park flag court, London Road and Front Street. 10 a.m. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. Register at first class or online at www.nlchc.com/services/wellness-programs
Low Impact Exercise
A virtual exercise classes offered Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 237 or email [email protected] to receive Zoom link
Chair Exercise
Exercise classes Mondays and Wednesdays in Canatara Park, near round washroom building to west of open field. 1:30 p.m. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. Register at first class or online at www.nlchc.com/services/wellness-programs
Chair Exercise
Virtual exercise classes offered Mondays, 1:30 p.m. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 237 or email [email protected] to receive Zoom link
Virtual Meditation
Increase self-esteem, improve concentration, lower blood pressure and reduce stress with the West Lambton Community Health Centre’s virtual meditation classes. Mondays, 11 a.m. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 237 or email [email protected] to receive Zoom link
Pulmonary Rehab
Learn to self-manage lung disease through education and exercise at West and North Lambton Community Health Centre’s Pulmonary Rehab. Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for existing clients. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for new clients. For more, call Brenda at 519-786-4545 ext. 265 or Lorie at 519-491-2123, ext. 227
Rotary Club of Sarnia holding its 37th annual Rotary Auction, from Nov. 10 to Nov. 15, at www.sarniarotaryauction.com Funds raised support various children and youth initiatives in the community. For more information, or to make donations, visit www.rotarysarnia.com
Low Impact Exercise
Exercise classes offered Tuesdays at Canatara Park Pavilion to the right of bandshell, 10 a.m. All fitness levels and abilities welcome. Register at first class or online at www.nlchc.com/services/wellness-programs
Sarnia Legion is NOT hosting the annual Remembrance Day parade and cenotaph service in Veterans Park, to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Poppies will be available throughout the city, with proceeds supporting veterans in need
Ken McKinlay presents “Second World War: Researching the Canadian Fallen,” at a Lambton County Genealogical Society webinar. 7 p.m. To register, visit www.lambton.ogs.on.ca or email [email protected]
Gallery Opening
Gallery in the Grove’s presents “Gifts of the Season,” local, handmade jewelry, ornaments, woodworking, resin art, and more. 2618 Hamilton Park Rd., Thursdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Runs till Dec. 12. For more, visit www.galleryinthegrove.com or the Gallery’s Facebook page, or call 519-869-4643
Hats and Mitts
The “100 Scarf” Knitting Group will hang hand-knitted scarves, mitts, and hats on the fence in front of the Lawrence House, 127 Christina St. S., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone in need is welcome to take one. Remaining items will be given to those in need in the community. For more, visit www.lawrencehouse.ca
Culture and Cruisine
Rayjon Share Care hosts the second of three "Culture & Cuisine" events featuring authentic take-out food from Dolly’s Jerk Joint, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and virtual Caribbean culture tour with special guest speaker Mary McLaughlin at 8 p.m. Tickets, $50 and are on sale now at rayjon.org/culture-cuisine/ Proceeds support education, health and the empowerment of women in Haiti & the Dominican Republic.
Glass Half Full
West Lambton Community Health Centre holding a virtual “Glass Half Full” event to learn strategies for living a life of optimism. 1:30 p.m. To register, call 519-344-3017 ext. 235 or email [email protected] to receive Zoom link
Feeding Children
Registered Dietitian Lynne Brown will discuss ‘Feeding Your Little Ones’ at the West and North Lambton Community Health Centre’s virtual People in Our Neighbourhood series. 1:30 p.m. To register, email [email protected]
Me, My Mask & I
A virtual session for those with questions, frustrations and/or personal challenges surrounding the need to wear a face mask. 10 a.m. To register, call 519-786-4545 ext. 235 or email [email protected]
Rayjon AGM
Annual general meeting of Rayjon Share Care of Sarnia, Inc. to be held only at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Visit www.rayjon.org to access the AGM package and instructions on how to join the virtual meeting
Gallery Show
Gallery in the Grove’s presents “Gifts of the Season,” local, handmade jewelry, ornaments, woodworking, resin art, and more. 2618 Hamilton Park Rd., Thursdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Runs till Dec. 12. For more, visit www.galleryinthegrove.com or the Gallery’s Facebook page, or call 519-869-4643
Blood Pressure
A virtual event to discuss hypertension and how to manage through lifestyle modifications, including a healthy diet and physical activity. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. To register, call 519-786-4545 ext. 235 or email [email protected]
Lesley Anderson speaks about Pre-Confederation and Military Records at a Lambton County Genealogical Society webinar. 7 p.m. To register, visit www.lambton.ogs.on.ca or email [email protected].
Gallery Show
Gallery in the Grove’s presents “Gifts of the Season,” local, handmade jewelry, ornaments, woodworking, resin art, and more. 2618 Hamilton Park Rd., Thursdays 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Runs till Dec. 12. For more, visit www.galleryinthegrove.com or the Gallery’s Facebook page, or call 519-869-4643