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School boards stay with current leaders

Trustees at both the public and separate school boards stayed the course last week and returned the incumbent board leaders for another year in the big seat. Jane Bryce was re-elected chair of the Lambton Kent District School Boart on Dec. 6.

Trustees at both the public and separate school boards stayed the course last week and returned the incumbent board leaders for another year in the big seat.

Jane Bryce was re-elected chair of the Lambton Kent District School Boart on Dec. 6. The Camlachie-area resident was acclaimed to the position a year ago and has been a trustee since 1994.

Sarnia trustee Elizabeth Hudie was elected to serve as vice-chair for the coming year.

At the St. Clair Catholic District School Board, John Van Heck was acclaimed to the position of chair for a second straight term. Van Heck has been a trustee with the board since 2006 and lives in Chatham-Kent.

Michelle Parks, an eleven-year trustee from Sarnia, was acclaimed to the position of vice-chair.

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