1 - What children’s costume comes with the warning, “Wearing of this garment does not enable flight”?
2 - The purple ribbons wrapped around four poles at the intersection of Indian Rd and Exmouth St. are a reminder for motorists not to do what?
3 - According to recent studies, who gets more migraines--men or women?
4 - Professional carver, Mike Winia, recently created a work of art from a tree stump on the front lawn of what local elementary school?
5 - At the outbreak of the Second World War, which American soft drink company adopted the patriotic colours of red, white and blue for its logo, the same colours it uses today?
6 - Best known as a correspondent for 60 Minutes since 1970, what recently deceased reporter worked for the Sarnia bureau of the London Free Press in the mid-1950s?
7 - How many sides on a dodecagon?
8 - Well done, Sarnia. While the provincial average is 29%, we lead the province with what percentage of Sarnians being registered organ donors? (within 5%)
9 - What composer started to write the overture for his opera Don Giovanni only the night before its premier?
10 - Baskin Robbins once produced an ice cream flavoured to taste like what condiment—but wisely realized it would not sell and discontinued making it?
- Tom St. Amand
ANSWERS: 1 - Superman costume; 2 - Not to Drink and Drive; 3 - Women (three times more women than men); 4 - Lansdowne Public School; 5 – Pepsi; 6 - Morley Safer; 7 – Twelve; 8 - 46%; 9 – Mozart; 10 - Ketchup