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OPINION: At least one family member is enjoying this – our dogs

Nadine Wark The past several months may go down in history as the time when more dogs were walked than ever before. Our dogs must think they have died and gone to heaven, or perhaps The Rainbow Bridge.

Nadine Wark

The past several months may go down in history as the time when more dogs were walked than ever before.

Our dogs must think they have died and gone to heaven, or perhaps The Rainbow Bridge.

With so many families trying to pass the time and get outdoors for some fresh air, if there’s a dog in the house that lucky mutt is probably joining them. And walking is a nice break from baking and jigsaw puzzles.

Dogs can be seen all over our community these days, downtown, in parks, anywhere there’s grass or a walkway.

I’m a dog lover, so it’s heartwarming to see. Exercise is such an important and necessary part of caring for a pet. I always say, “An exercised dog is a happy dog.”

My own dog Bela is getting out two to three times a day, usually in Centennial Park and sometimes elsewhere to mix things up.

If we could read our dogs’ minds they are probably saying: “What! Another walk? I just got comfortable on my pillow and want a nap. What’s going on here? Why can’t they just sit back and watch TV while I snooze on a lap?”

I’ve heard that some dogs go into hiding when they hear the sound of a leash coming out. Not my Bela. It’s one offer she just can’t refuse, rushing out the door every time with exuberance and a surge of energy, tail wagging, a smile on her face.

Recently I took Bella for a session at the dog groomers. I know plenty of men and women around town who have suffered the same fate, with the salons and barbershops still closed.

I wanted to avoid begging, but took a chance anyway and asked Ashley, “Would you please do me too?”

I got back only a chuckle, which I took as a ‘No.’

But she did take note of Bela’s nails, which needed very little trimming because of her frequent walks.

I swear sometimes my dog looks at me strangely, as if to ask, “What’s happened to your hair?”

On our walks together I chat with other dog-walkers. One topic that has come up frequently is pet grooming and having a nice looking dog again, followed by, “What about us humans? When can we get our hair done again?”

During this pandemic, things really have gone to the dogs.

Nadine Wark is a retired office administrator and freelance writer who lives in Sarnia

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