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Letters: week of July 11

The only thing heating up is the rhetoric of climate alarmists Sir: Have you noticed how the climate alarmists keep ramping up the rhetoric? Not so long ago, they were banging on about “global warming.
Letters to the editor

The only thing heating up is the rhetoric of climate alarmists

Sir: Have you noticed how the climate alarmists keep ramping up the rhetoric? Not so long ago, they were banging on about “global warming.”

When the predicted increase in temperatures didn’t materialize they changed tack to the more flexible “climate change.”

Since then the language has become more hysterical. They now talk about a “climate emergency,” and on the radio in the UK recently we heard someone foaming at the mouth about “climate apartheid.”

Where do they go from here? I was always told in my youth that if every minor disagreement is described as a ‘war’ then what do you call an actual “war?”

Still, I don’t suppose it will stop them. Stand by for “climate holocaust” and “climate genocide”, followed by “climate Armageddon.”

Or what we used to call “the weather.”

Peter Clarke



Why stop with Indigenous names?

Sir: Regarding the July 4 story, “Teams under pressure to change names.”

Perhaps the Ontario Human Rights Commission, which is pressuring local organizations to review the Indigenous names of sports teams, should cast its net farther to include other groups that may also be offended.

Case in point locally would be St. Clair Secondary School’s use of the name “Wolfpack” for its sports teams. It is hard to imagine no one in the history department of the school board didn’t point out “The Wolfpack” was the nickname of the German U boats responsible for the deaths of approximately 1,600 Canadian Merchant Marine sailors and countless casualties during the Second World War’s Battle of the Atlantic.”

What about the Northern “Vikings,” named after a marauding clan that pillaged and terrorized Europe so many centuries ago. The examples could go on and on. But my point, in agreement with Aamjiwnaang Chief Chris Plain, is for everyone to lighten up and have our provincial employees turn their attention to more serious problems in our province.

Lawrence Clarke



City Hall should organize a lottery to fix our broken roads

Sir: The city is spending $2.3 million to resurface streets this year.

But who picks the streets that get done? Is there a survey to find the worst streets, or the highest traffic volume rate?

Who wins the lottery for street repairs? Actually, maybe we should have a lottery. After all, we all want our street done first.

It blows me away that there isn’t a system in place to routinely replace streets that are cracking, splitting and caving in. Sewer caps are sinking and drains are draining everything but water.

Sarnia is home to advanced petroleum products, plastics, synthetic rubber and new environmentally friendly bio-based products.

But we can’t come up with a way to fix our roads?

One answer would be a 10-year plan. Then councillors could show the people who voted them in some kind of direction for the future of streets.

And they can’t say there’s no money, because other cities find the money. But getting it to replace our broken roads is like pulling teeth. Maybe we should rename it — the City Hall Dental Centre.

So let’s go, council and mayor. Let’s get the job done!

Cam Ross



Former nurse says she’s had it with rude, arrogant doctors

Sir: Recently I went for a referral appointment at a local specialist’s office. The receptionist who greeted me was courteous and pleasant, as was the technician who performed the EKG.

But from the moment the doctor entered the room and greeted me in a curt and detached manner, it set a tone for an uneasy environment.

While reviewing my history and questioning symptoms, he became impatient with the information I provided and proceeded to badger me repeatedly in a belittling manner with, “Just answer the question, yes or no, this is not a social.”

Things got muddled after that. I was unable to get back on track and maintain composure. Clearly frustrated with me, he noted I was a retired RN. To that, he said with a mocking laugh, “And, you’re a nurse?”

I was willing to accept his indifference about my condition, which had been detected by my NP, as per “It’s no doubt of small significance.”

But on the personal side, I would not allow verbal assaults on my character and profession. I chose to leave the premises and not complete the workup.

In the decades of my nursing practice, there have been instances of arrogance and rudeness from medical colleagues I’ve crossed paths with, to which I haven’t always been quiet about.

That said, I’m not generalizing that all MD’s have “God complexes.” Those that serve the public with respect, attentiveness and a “treat others as you want to be treated” approach outnumber those few that shame the profession.

I am submitting this to strongly urge people in the community to do their research and arm themselves with information before seeking medical attention for any category of illness. Besides word-of-mouth, there is the website RateMDs that offers reviews.

Helene St. Jacques



Thanks to everyone who helped with the great Canada Day

Sir: Although being extremely lucky to have a front-row seat from my balcony, I must give credit to all the volunteers, staff and organizers of our Canada Day celebrations.

The almost 20-minute, best ever, spectacular fireworks display in Centennial Park ended a wonderful day.

Susan Topley


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