What’s happening events must be open to the public, of general interest, 60 words or less, and received at least two weeks prior to the event. Please include ticket prices, if any, and a phone number or website where readers can obtain more information. Email notices to [email protected]
Thursday, Jan. 18
Stress Information
The Sarnia Library is offering “A New Year, a New Outlook”, an information program about dealing with daily stresses and living a healthier life, featuring guest speaker Laura Jasmin, Naturopathic Doctor. 124 Christina St. S., 7 p.m. For more, call 519-337-3291
Friday, Jan. 19
Jeremy Hotz Standup
Comedian Jeremy Hotz will perform at the Imperial Theatre, 168 Christina St. N. Tickets are $55, available at imperialtheatre.net, by calling 519-344-7469 or at the box office. For more on Jeremy Hotz, visit jeremyhotz.com
Saturday, Jan. 20
Scrabble Tournament
Scrabble tournament at the Strangway Centre, 260 East St. N., 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Participants can bring own scrabble games and dictionaries. All levels welcome. Lunch is included. Cost is $10. For more, call 519-332-0656
Gallery Audio Tour
Enjoy a guided audio tour of the Lambton at War exhibition, narrated by Tony Frangis. Features battalion music and an in-depth story of the exhibition. Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free, give what you can. For more, call 519-336-8127
At the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 286 Front St. N., 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Costs, $30 a couple. For more, visit www.sarniaballroomdancingclub.ca
Sunday, Jan. 21
Family Sunday
Edit yourself into scenarios using photo-editing software at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. Free, suggested $5 donation per family. Children must be accompanied by adult. 147 Lochiel St., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more, call 519-336-8127
Roast Beef Dinner
St. Bartholomew’s Church, 718 Cathcart Blvd., 5 p.m. Cost is $15, free for children under 12. Accessible building. Tickets available at door or by calling 519-383-6933
Monday, Jan. 22
Movie Showing
The Sarnia Library will be showing animated movie “Moana”. 124 Christina St. S., 7 p.m. Free admission. Library will accept donations of canned goods and other non-perishable items for the Inn of the Good Shepherd. For more, call 519-337-3291
Tuesday, Jan. 23
Making Baby Food
A hands-on learning experience. Learn about baby readiness, feeding schedules, healthy meals and snack ideas. West Lambton Community Health Centre, 429 Exmouth St., 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. To register, call 519-344-3017, ext. 225
Central Forum
Sandy Marshall review sSarnia’s Bioindustrial Innovation and the future for bio-feedstocks for chemicals, materials and fuels at the Central Forum 2018. Central United Church, 220 George St., doors open 1 p.m. $4 per session. For more, call 519-344-4561
S.T.A.R.T. FIRST Registration
Free 10 week program designed to introduce Grade 4-7 students to the world of robotics and FIRST LEGO League. Programs run Saturday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Registration at Rosedale Public School, 1018 Indian Rd. N., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m, Jan. 23 and 24. For more, email [email protected]
Wednesday, Jan. 24
Parkinson's Support Group
People living with Parkinson’s and their care partners are invited to meet in the community room at Clearwater Arena, 1400 Wellington St., 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Focus of meeting will be the proven benefits of exercise. For more, call 519-337-5330
A Capella Chorus
Seaway Sounds 4 part A capella chorus meets Wednesdays at St. Francois Xavier School, 901 The Rapids Pkwy., 6:30 p.m. For more, call Kelly at 519-383-5582 or email [email protected]
Thursday, Jan. 25
Annual General Meeting
Jim Hamilton of First Solar Energy is guest speaker at the annual general meeting and dinner of the Professional Engineers Ontario, Lambton Chapter. Best Western Guildwood Inn, 1400 Venetian Blvd., 6 p.m., cost $20. RSVP to Phil by Jan. 22 at 519-481-1221 or [email protected]
Red Dot Tour
Browse the art gallery, find the red dot and enjoy a stimulating 15-minute talk about Lambton at War. Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery, 147 Lochiel St., 7 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Free, give what you can. For more, call 519-336-8127
Friday, Jan. 26
Weight Loss Support
Join a registered dietitian and a group of peers in West Lambton Community Health Centre’s monthly weight loss support group. 429 Exmouth St., 10:30 a.m. To register, call 519-344-3017, ext. 259
Saturday, Jan. 27
The Lambton Outdoor club hosting a hike at the Perch Creek Habitat Management Area. For more, visit www.lambtonoutdoorclub.org
Sunday, Jan. 28
Family Sunday
Explore lyrical abstractionism and experiment with watercolours and oil pastels at the Judith & Norman Alix Art Gallery. Free, suggested $5 donation per family. Children must be accompanied by adult. 147 Lochiel St., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more, call 519-336-8127
Monday, Jan. 29
Naturalist Kimberly Gledhill discusses biomimicry and using the models of nature to solve complex human problems. Hosted by Lambton Wildlife, at the Esso Careers and Learning Centre, 660 Oakdale Ave. 7:30 p.m. For more, email [email protected]
Teen Cuisine
Rapids Family Health Team offering a fun, interactive and free cooking class for teens 13-18. 1150 Pontiac Dr., 5 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Tuesday, Jan. 30
Penny Pinching Pleasers
Learn to make healthy, inexpensive meals at West Lambton Community Health Centre’s free class. 429 Exmouth St., 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. To register, call 519-344-3017, ext. 277
Central Forum
Kevin Shaw and Brian McBain speak about teaching mathematics in Ontario at the Central Forum, describing provincial challenges, rewards and international comparisons. Central United Church, 220 George St., doors open 1 p.m. $4 per session. For more, call 519-344-4561
Wednesday, Jan. 31
Library Q&A
The Sarnia Library will discuss the library’s e-resources and any other questions about the library. Central United Church, 220 George St., 1 p.m. For more, call 519-337-3291
Friday, Feb. 2
Live Music
Scott Manery & The Barnburners will perform at Cheeky Monkey, 130 Christina St. N., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more, call 519-332-0978
Tuesday, Feb. 6
Central Forum
Monica Shepley and Jonna Easterby speak about the Danish Experience at the Central Forum, sharing their experiences as a Dane in Canada and a Canadian in Denmark. Central United Church, 220 George St., doors open 1 p.m. $4 per session. For more, call 519-344-4561
Saturday, Feb. 10
Dart Tournament
Barb Griffin Memorial Ladies Open Dart Tournament at Corunna Legion, 350 Albert St., register 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., play at noon. For more, call 519-862-1240
Sunday, Feb. 11
Euchre Tournament
Progressive Euchre Tournament at Corunna Legion 350 Albert St., register 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., play at 1 p.m. Pre-register at the bar. For more, call 519-862-1240
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Central Forum
Harlin Braichet and Don Schenk speak about living with mental illness at the Central Forum. Braichet will share his story of living with schizophrenia, and Schenk will describe the Lambton Mental Wellness Centre. Central United Church, 220 George St., doors open 1 p.m. $4 per session. For more, call 519-344-4561
Pancake Lunch
Includes pancakes, sausage and dessert. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 261 Christina St. N., 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $7. 519-332-2662
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Chordsmen Valentines
The Bluewater Chordsmen are offering singing valentines. Includes 3 songs, present a rose and a card with a personalized message from the sender. Deliveries available in the city, $40 and in Lambton County, $60. Group Valentines are also available, $75. All proceeds to charity. For more, call David at 519-339-9927
Saturday, Feb. 17
Yuk Yuks on Tour
Comedy show at Corunna Legion, 350 Albert St., doors open at 8 p.m., show at 9 p.m. Advance tickets $20, $25 at door. Wheelchair accessible. Mature content, 19+. For more, call 519-862-1240
Tuesday, Feb. 20
Central Forum
Paul Woolley discusses “Songwriting 101: Ever Wonder How Songs are Created?” at the Central Forum, including musical appreciation and history of music and harmony from 500 BC to present. Central United Church, 220 George St., doors open 1 p.m. $4 per session. For more, call 519-344-4561