What’s happening events must be open to the public, of general interest, 60 words or less, and received at least two weeks prior to the event. Please include ticket prices, if any, and a phone number or website where readers can obtain more information. Email notices to [email protected]
Friday, Nov. 1
Critical Questions
St. Joseph’s Hospice offering 8-week Education and Support Group for people grieving the death of a significant person in their life. Assessment required prior to attendance. 475 Christina St. N., 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fridays until Dec. 20. Free. To schedule, contact Katie Joosten at 519-337-0537 ext. 373 or [email protected]
Silent Film
Relive the way the 1925 silent film The Phantom of the Opera would have been screened in a city theatre with live pipe organ accompaniment. Central United Church, 220 George St., 8 p.m. Tickets $20, available at Cheeky Monkey. For more, contact [email protected] or 519-864-1119
Stress Management
Rapids Family Health Team offering free 2-hour group session that provides an overview of how to manage stress. 1150 Pontiac Dr., 9:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Live Music
Big Highway performs Canadian rock live at Cheeky Monkey as part of the monthly First Friday festivities. Featuring art show and sale “Solstice” by W.A. Walters. 130 Christina St. N., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more, visit www.cheekymonkeysarnia.ca
Book Launch
The Book Keeper hosts the launch of Monica Royal and Margaret Maheu’s art book “Soul Art.” 500 Exmouth St., Northgate Plaza, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more, call 519-337-3171 or visit www.sarniabookkeeper.com
Stress Management
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free 2-hour group session that provides a general overview of How to Effectively Manage Stress. 1150 Pontiac Dr., 9:30 a.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Art, Music, Wine
The Art Group 6+1 presenting new works by member at a First Friday event at the ISObar, 143 Christina St. Art visit is free, $5 for live music from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wine and beer available for purchase. From more, visit www.theiso.org
Art Exhibit
Opening reception for painter Allison Robichaud’s exhibit “No Glitz, Only Impressions” at the Lawrence House, 127 Christina St. S., 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Continues until end of the month. Free admission. For more, visit www.lawrencehouse.ca or call 519-337-0507
Art Exhibit
“Black and White, Shades of Grey with a Splash of Colour” opening in Turret Room at the Lawrence House, 127 Christina St. S. Featuring members’ art, offers a People’s Choice Award. Continues until end of the month. Free admission, For more, visit www.lawrencehouse.ca or call 519-337-0507
Saturday, Nov. 2
Benefit Concert
Sarnia’s Christian male chorus Sursum Corda presents an evening of music at First Christian Reformed Church, 1105 Exmouth St., 7:30 p.m. Free admission, but offering to benefit NeighbourLink Sarnia-Lambton accepted. For more, call Bert at 519-312-7727
Silver Bells Bazaar
Strangway Centre’s Silver Bells Bazaar, 260 East St. N., 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free admission. For more, call 519-332-0656
Autumn Bazaar
St. Giles Presbyterian Church hosting a Great Autumn bazaar featuring large and small turkey pies and pork tourtieres, frozen entrees, soups, fresh baking and preserves, sewing, knitting and a tea room. 770 Lakeshore Rd., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more, call 519-542-2253
Turkey Dinner
The Lambton Centre hosting a turkey dinner with all the fixings, including pie, at Corunna United Church, 198 Hill St., 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Cost $15 advance, $17 at door, $7 for ages 6-12, free children under 6. All proceeds to summer camp programming for youth. For more, call 519-786-5663
Christmas Bazaar
At Landmark Village, featuring chochet items, Christmas cards and crafts, baked goods, handmade jewelry, kitted items. Vendors welcome. Tea room with $2 donation to charity. 1370 L'Heritage Dr., 9 a.m. to 12 noon. For more, call 519-542-6757
All Saints’ Anglican Church Bazaar featuring baking, deli, knitting, sewing, attic treasures, bits & pieces and books. 248 Vidal St. N., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free admission. Tea room $3. For more, call 519-344-5167
Polish Bazaar
Queen of Peace CWL holding Fall Polish Bazaar featuring potato and cheese pierogi, cabbage rolls, polish sauerkraut, turkey pies, baked goods, craft table and hot brunch. Polish Hall, 173 Exmouth St., 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more, contact Donna Longo at 519-542-4050
Fall Bazaar
London Road West United Church holding a Fall Bazaar. 2092 London Line, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more, call Ken at 519-542-9483
Sarnia Roadrunners present 1, 3 and 5 km runs beginning at Terry’s Loop in Canatara Park, 9 a.m. All runners and walkers welcome. Cost $5. For more, contact [email protected]
Rebound Anniversary
All are invited to Sarnia-Lambton Rebound’s 35th Anniversary Celebration. Cookies and refreshments served. 10 Lorne Cr., 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more, contact Anita Minielly at 519-344-2841 ext. 114 or [email protected]
Snowflake Bazaar
King George VI Elementary School hosts its annual Snowflake Bazaar and Craft Sale. 50+ vendors selling artisan crafts, discovery toys, baked goods, Tupperware and more. 585 O’Dell Ave., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free admission. For more, contact Martina Carr at 519-344-8741 or by email at [email protected]
50s Concert
Freddy Christian and the Town & Country Rockabillies present “Rocking on through the 1950s.” Sarnia Library Theatre, 124 Christina St. S., doors open 2 p.m., music 2:30 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. Tickets $10 at Cheeky Monkey, or $15 at door. For more, contact Freddy Christian at [email protected] or call 519-328-7879
White Cross Dedication
All are invited to annual White Cross dedication with MADD Sarnia/Lambton at Sarnia Police Station, 555 Christina St. N. Volunteers needed to hammer crosses into ground at 10:15 a.m., dedication and awards at 11 a.m. Refreshments to follow. For more, call 519-339-9962
Garage Sale
A garage sale featuring household items at Laurel Lea St. Matthew’s Church, 837 Exmouth St., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more, call 519-337-7078
Christmas Bazaar
Eighth annual Fall Into Christmas Bazaar and Craft Sale at Sarnia Christian School, featuring 40 local vendors with handcrafted items, baked goods, chili, walking tacos and more. 1273 Exmouth St., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Supporting community outreach programs. For more, contact Kim at 519-330-5068 or [email protected]
Sunday, Nov. 3
St. Thomas Aquinas Church holding a Bazaar featuring turkey pies, tourtières, pastries, nickel sale, white elephant sale, religious articles, crafts, preserves, 50/50 draw, soup & sandwiches, tea and more. All welcome. 895 Champlain Rd., 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more, contact Doreen at 519-542-3271
The Lambton Concert Band presents “The Big Screen” at Sarnia Public Library Auditorium, 124 Christina St. S., 2:30 p.m. Tickets $12 adults, $6 students, children 14 and under free. For more, visit LambtonConcertBand.com
Gallery in the Grove
Gallery in the Grove’s annual “Gifts of the Season” opens with local, handmade art and gifts. 2618 Hamilton Rd., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Runs until Dec. 7. For more, visit www.galleryinthegrove.com or call 519-869-4643
Monday, Nov. 4
Chair Yoga
Twin Bridges NPLC free yoga program suitable for most abilities. 153 Christina St. S. (Front Street entrance), Mondays 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ,or 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., or Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Register for one class at a time at www.tbnplc.com
Gentle Yoga
Twin Bridges NPLC free yoga program suitable for most abilities. Most poses completed in sitting or reclined position. 153 Christina St. S. (Front St. entrance), 12:15 p.m. to 1 p.m. Every Monday. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Distress Line
Volunteers needed for Family Counselling Centre’s Distress Line and Tel-Check programs. Register attendance at the Information Session, 1086 Modeland Rd., 6:30 p.m., or call Donna at 519-336-0120, ext. 251
Women’s Fitness
Free Twin Bridges NPLC bootcamp-style fitness class that includes cardiovascular, strength and flexibility exercises. Suitable for most levels. Consult primary care provider before participating. 153 Christina St. S. (Front Street entrance), 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Every Tuesday. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Free yoga program for adults, suitable for most levels, offered by Twin Bridges NPLC. Bring your own mat. 153 Christina St. S. (Front St. entrance), 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Every Tuesday. Register at www.tbnplc.com
A two-part series to explore what self-esteem is, how it affects one’s life, and practical ways to foster a healthy sense of self. Twin Bridges NPLC, 153 Christina St. S. (Front St. entrance), 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and 12. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Holiday Cooking
Hands-on cooking program to share delicious and healthy recipes in time for holiday gatherings. Twin Bridges NPLC (Front St. entrance), 153 Christina St. S., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Coffee & Conversation
All welcome to share informal place to talk and listen to others experiencing loss and grief. Camlachie United Church, 6784 Camlachie Rd. Sept. 19th, 9:30 a.m. Accessible, fragrance-free building. For more, contact Sue Johnson 519-869-2102 or Audrey Jackson 519-542-7089 or visit www.camlachieunited.ca
Tampon Tuesday
Held the first Tuesday of the month to collect menstrual hygiene products for the Inn of the Good Shepherd. At Stokes Inland, 1202 Lambton Mall Rd., 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free appetizers and cash bar. Admission is one box of menstrual hygiene products. For more, contact Michelle at [email protected] or Adelle at [email protected]
Wednesday, Nov. 6
British Cars
The Sarnia Bluewater Austin Healey Club welcoming new members to its monthly meetings. Tech sessions and excursions. All welcome. Ownership not required, just an interest in British cars. Meets first Wednesday of the month at various locations. For more, contact Mike at 519-491-6281
Mindful Living
Four-week session to share topics and strategies that relate to mindfulness in everyday life. Twin Bridges NPLC, 153 Christina St. S., 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesdays. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Charity Takeover
Refined Fool hosting ‘Charity Takeover’ night in support of Lambton Circles anti-poverty program. Includes 50/50 raffles, games of chance and more. 1326 London Rd., 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. For more, call 519-704-1665
Chamber Concert
Sarnia Concert Association presents ‘Chamber Classics’ with the Take Five Ensemble featuring music by Beethoven, Schumaan, Dvorak and Debussy. Imperial Theatre, 168 Christina St. N., 7:30 p.m. Tickets $40 adults, $25 students, available at box office. For more, visit www.sarniaconcertassociation.ca
Teen Cuisine
Rapids Family Health Team offering a free, fun, interactive cooking program for teens 13+. 460 Christina St. N., 4 p.m. Must pre-register by calling 519-339-8949
Fall Prevention
Learn what you can do in your home to minimize the risk of falls at the VON SMART Fall Prevention Workshop. Grace United Church, 990 Cathcart Blvd., 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Light refreshments, giveaways, door prize. For more, contact [email protected]
Thursday, Nov. 7
Speaker Series
St. Joseph’s Hospice celebrating the 10h anniversary of its residence with a free Speaker Series. Dr. Darcy Harris will present “Responding to Change, Loss, and Transition.” 475 Christina St. N., 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. RSVP at [email protected] or contact 519-337-0537, ext. 215 for more information
Group Meditation
Free four-week session designed for individuals with an established meditation practice interested a group setting for guided meditation. Twin Bridges NPLC, 153 Christina St. S. (Front St. entrance), 12 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. Thursdays. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Yoga for Warriors
Yoga program designed for individuals living with adverse effects of trauma and/or traumatic brain injury. Sessions will be slow, restorative practice including meditation and breath work. Twin Bridges NPLC, 153 Christina St. S. (Front St. entrance), 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays. Register at www.tbnplc.com
Friday, Nov. 8
The Wade Sisters cover female artists and perform their own original songs at the Lawrence House, 127 Christina St. S., 7 p.m. Tickets ,$10, available at the Lawrence House or www.lawrencehouse.ca/house-concerts. Supported by a Creative County Fund Grant. For more, call 519-337-0507
Saturday, Nov. 9
The Lambton Outdoor Club is hiking the Springwater Conservation area near Aylmer. For more, visit www.lambtonoutdoorclub.org
Christmas Bazaar
Dunlop United Church’s annual Christmas Bazaar featuring jewelry, crafts, sewing, refreshments, bake sale with pies, tarts, cookies, squares, breads, preserves, turkey pies, and more. 757 Rosedale Ave., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free admission. Accessible building. All welcome. For more, contact 519-337-3061 or [email protected], or visit www.dunlopuc.ca
Winter Bazaar
St. Joseph’s CWL holding a Winter Bazaar featuring raffle prizes, cake walk, bake table, craft/sewing, tea room, attic treasures, deli table, and more. 293 Stuart St., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more, contact Meghann at 519-330-8812
Family Bazaar
St. Luke’s United Church Family Bazaar featuring turkey and beef pot pies, butter tarts, books, baking, jewelry, Almost New table and coffee corner. Bring bags for items. 350 Indian Rd. S., 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more, call 519-344-1781
Photography Seminar
Ontario photographer Andrew McLachlan will speak about “Visual Beauty and Creative Expression from the Wildlands of Ontario and Beyond” at the Sarnia Photographic Club’s photography seminar. Sarnia Library Theatre, 124 Christina St. S., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open to public. Tickets $50, at door or from club website. For more, visit www.sarniaphotoclub.com or email [email protected]
Show & Sale
Big Brothers Big Sisters’ annual two-day Show & Sale featuring sewing, art, jewelry, children’s clothing, baking, raffle, and more. Alexander Mackenzie Secondary, 1257 Michigan Ave., Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Nov. 10 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. $5 admission, children under 12 free with adult. For more, call 519-336-0460, ext. 209
Sunday, Nov. 10
Candlelight Vigil
The Royal Canadian Legion Sarnia Branch 62 holding it annual Candlelight Vigil in tribute to veterans. Minimum $5 donation for a candle in memory of a family member, friend, or unknown soldier. Meet at City Hall, Front St. entrance, 7 p.m. and walk to Cenotaph for short service. Candles available at Legion. For more, call 519-336-2841
Roast Beef Dinner
St. Bartholomew’s Church holding a Roast Beef Dinner, 718 Cathcart Blvd., 5 p.m. Cost $18 adults, children under 12 free. Accessible building. Tickets available at door or by calling 519-383-6933
Bake Sale
Christmas Bake Sale at the Dante Club’s Amici Hall featuring homemade gnocchi, pasta sauce, meatballs, ciambelle, focaccia and sweets. 1330 London Rd., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Also hot lunch of chicken breast parmigiana, salad and focaccia bread for $15, eat in or take out. For more, call 519-542-9311
Elvis Concert
Canon Davis Memorial Church presents “An Afternoon with Elvis” featuring Doug McKenzie. 380 Russell St. N., meet & greet with tea, coffee and pie from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m., performance from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets $20. For tickets and information, call 519-344-9531
Painting Demo
Local artist Allison Robichaud will demonstrate his process for creating an impressionistic still life painting at the Lawrence House, 127 Christina St. S., 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission. For more, visit www.lawrencehouse.ca or call 519-337-0507