Wind turbines aren't hurting anyone
Sir: Re Lambton battling turbines
I'm convinced that the first person to whine about wind turbines was someone who watched their neighbour receive gobs of money for installing one, while they were overlooked.
There hasn't been a shred of reliable evidence showing any detrimental effects to humans. If the appearance offends someone's sensibilities, they should be asked just what they would like in their backyard. A nice little nuke or maybe clean coal [talk about an oxymoron].
Wind turbines are one of the most benign sources of power generation. It seems incongruous for individuals that are permeated with the effects of the Chemical Valley to be raising their fists to a big pinwheel. Go help the Aamjiwnaang fight industry.
Rob Woodward
Enbridge responds to oil spill editorial
Sir: The 2013 U.S. Coast Guard study on bottom oil recovery systems refers specifically to the response capabilities of government agencies, who also are obligated to be prepared for a wide array of incidents whereas Enbridge, as an industry transporter of these products with decades of experience, knows the focus of what an oil spill response needs to be and how to best deploy it.
There is tremendous leverage capability when industry and government work together in a proper Unified Command crisis response structure.
The Marshall (Michigan oil spill) is a key example during which Enbridge was able to quickly gather considerable resources for a large response.
We engage in continuous and ongoing work with response agencies and regulators on emergency response focusing on both personnel and procedures and on ensuring we have the proper response equipment in the right places. There are many examples of recent exercises in several regions including Sarnia.
Sarnia is a key Enbridge operational hub with its own Enbridge spill response centre, equipment and resources. Additionally, as the article mentions, the new bore and pipe replacement on Line 6B is a further reinforcing safety measure to reduce the possibility of any impact to the St. Clair river or surrounding environment.
All Enbridge pipelines, including Line 5, are monitored in real-time, 24-hours a day. Inputs like pressure drops can be quickly detected and the lines shut down remotely in minutes if required while an on-the-ground response is mobilized.
The nature of all transmission grade crude, heavy or otherwise, is such that it would rise to the surface. All crudes float, as was the case in Marshall. Of the 20,000 barrels released on the Kalamazoo River, 90% (18,000 barrels) was recovered during the initial response using traditional.
Life takes energy and as with any vital infrastructure that provides it, people who live along these pipelines have a right to expect that Enbridge will maintain them to the highest standards.
Enbridge places a top priority on the safety and integrity of its pipelines. In the past two years alone, Enbridge has invested more than $4 billion in programs and initiatives to maintain and further enhance pipelines and facilities.
Graham White
Enbridge Pipelines
Dog-cycling borders on cruelty
Sir: Thank you for the guest column by Sheila Kozmin.
People riding their bikes while having their dog run beside them need to give their heads a shake.
It is, at best, a lazy way to spend time with an animal you purport to care for, and at worst it is animal cruelty.
I hope these folks change their uncaring behaviour.
Like Sheila, I too have witnessed far too many people dragging their dogs alongside their bikes, and felt unable to do anything to help these poor dogs.
Thank you for pointing out what many of us easily understand is animal cruelty. Hopefully this practice will stop.
I wonder if there is any law/bylaw we could be enforcing to help these people cease their cruel and unthoughtful behaviour?
Lenora Barrette Miller