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Week of May 26

City protects trail while bulldozing it Sir: It was reassuring to read in your May 19th publication that, after many years of discussion, Sarnia City Council is finally going to take action against the irresponsible adjoining property owners who have
Letters to the editor

City protects trail while bulldozing it

Sir: It was reassuring to read in your May 19th publication that, after many years of discussion, Sarnia City Council is finally going to take action against the irresponsible adjoining property owners who have destroyed the natural habitat of the Nature Trail.

However, they shouldn’t stop there, How about addressing the damage done by Huron Oaks Golf Course, which has not only grassed the Nature Trail in front of its property but also uses this public property as a site for its advertising.

Has Huron Oaks been granted some exemption from the Sign bylaw, which otherwise banned the placing of signs on public property?

What happens when the next developer wants to build along the Nature Trail? Will they be entitled to claim similar rights to Huron Oaks? Is it all going to turn into one long manicured lawn dotted with advertising signs?

Finally, I’m sure everyone who read the article was aware of the contradiction of Council condemning those adjacent landowners who have encroached on the trail while themselves planning to bulldoze a section of trail and turn it into a road.

Two decades ago the decision was made to sacrifice the trail so developers could pack more houses into the area around the schools north of Highway 402.

A bad decision then, and an even worse decision now when we all recognize the unique and irreplaceable value of the Nature Trail.


Peter R. Smith



Amazing people rally to the cause

Sir: We live in an amazing community!

A couple of months ago the VanReenen family came to St. Patrick’s High School and wanted to do a fundraiser to raise money for a Snoezelen room for their son and his friends.

A Snoezelen room is a multisensory room that helps calm an individual, which leads to improved communication and interactions. It would benefit students with autism, developmental disabilities and mental health issues.

The equipment is very expensive so we set out with a goal of $25,000. These parents came up with an idea of a roast beef dinner, with an auction and entertainment.

On April 20th we held the dinner with the help of many people and businesses within our community. We would like to thank all those involved with the organization and making of the dinner, and thank the St. Pat’s school band and Matt Weed for providing the entertainment.

Without the help of all these amazing people we would not be able to say we are close to our goal. It is wonderful to know that our special needs students have the support of such a caring, generous community. We are very thankful.

The introduction of this type of room and its benefits to the many different populations in our community is being eagerly anticipated.

It just goes to show you what can be accomplished with an idea and a great community behind you!

Sarah Meza

Barb McNair

The Snoezelen Room Fundraising Committee and VanReenan family


MS Society says thanks

Sir: The Southwestern Chapter - Sarnia Lambton section of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, held its annual Carnation Campaign on May 6-7.

We are pleased to report we sold 1,850 bouquets, 4,300 single flowers and 1,500 plants. The proceeds will help achieve our chapter mission of providing research funding and assisting those affected by MS.

The Chapter extends its heartfelt thanks to all the people who supported our campaign by purchasing carnations, the volunteers who worked so hard, and all of the businesses that allowed us to sell at their locations.

Special thanks to the VON, Electrical Workers, Local 530, Sarnia Street Machines and Lakeshore Automotive.

Multiple Sclerosis is the most common disease of the central nervous system affecting young adults aged 15 to 40. Canadians have one of the highest rates in the world and women are three times more likely to develop MS than men.

Our sincere thanks to you all. We are another step closer to ending MS.

Dave LeClair

Chairperson, Carnation Campaign Committee


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