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Voter turnout down in Sarnia's municipal election

Cathy Dobson Sarnia’s hybrid voting system on Monday drew only 40.41 per cent of eligible voters to the polls.
City Hall 4

Cathy Dobson

Sarnia’s hybrid voting system on Monday drew only 40.41 per cent of eligible voters to the polls. A total of 16,861 residents voted by internet and another 5,021 voted in-person using paper ballots, according to statistics released by city hall Wednesday.

That means 21,882 of Sarnia’s 54,148 eligible voters exercised their democratic right to vote. In 2018, 48.9% of the electorate voted in Sarnia’s municipal election.

City hall also officially confirmed the winners of Monday’s election:

Mayor – Mike Bradley (12,561 votes)

City-County Councillor – Bill Dennis (9,669), Chrissy McRoberts (9,526), Brian White (9,385), and Dave Boushy (7,863).

City Councillor – Adam Kilner (7,125), George Vandenberg (5,999), Terry Burrell (5,742), and Anne Marie Gillis (4,957).

Trustees for the Lambton Kent District School Board for the next four years are David Shortt (4,904), Jack Fletcher (4,773), and Malinda Little (4,630).

Jennifer McCann (2,196) and Linda Ward (1,946) will sit on the St. Clair Catholic District School Board.  And David Andre Paradis was acclaimed to the Conseil Scolaire Viamonde.

Winners in the race to sit on the French-Separate School Board are not known yet, pending final numbers from an outside municipality.

A full list of Sarnia’s official election results can be found at

The new council will meet for the first time on Nov. 15.

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