The City of Sarnia has named Olivia Nisbet and David Stockdale to the permanent roles of city solicitor, and corporate services general manager, respectively.

Nisbet has served as acting city solicitor, and Stockdale as acting general manager of corporate services, since the departure of Michelle Alton in August.
“I’m very much looking forward to continuing my work with the City, working with and supporting the diverse array of departments that deliver critical services to our residents and advance our community,” Nisbet stated in a news release.
Nisbet is a member of the Lambton Law Association’s Board of Directors and volunteers her services with Pro Bono Ontario. She currently sits on the City’s United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Committee and has served on the City’s Committee of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Committee prior to her role as the City’s legal counsel.
“I have no doubt Olivia will excel in the role, providing a steady hand at the helm of the legal department and continuing a track record of prudent legal leadership for the City,” said Stockdale.

Stockdale previously served as the city’s manager of human resources.
“David has already excelled at the role; he brings a wide range of experience and has built strong working relationships with staff across all levels of the organization. He knows the City; he knows the staff and he knows the challenges municipalities can face, he’s a proven leader that will help us build a stronger, more cohesive City team,” said CAO Chris Carter in a release.He will oversee Corporate Services including finance, human resources, legal services, purchasing, communications, customer service and emergency management.