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MEET THE CANDIDATES: Sarnia School Board Trustees

Editor’s Note: This is the latest in a series of stories highlighting Sarnia’s municipal election candidates . Journal staff We asked Sarnia's school board trustee candidates to tell us a bit about who they are, and why they’re running.
Editor’s Note: This is the latest in a series of stories highlighting Sarnia’s municipal election candidates. Journal staff We asked Sarnia's school board trustee candidates to tell us a bit about who they are, and why they’re running. Here are their responses: LAMBTON KENT DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (English Public School Board) – Three to be elected Cole Anderson
Cole Anderson

Tell us a little bit about you:

Born and raised in Sarnia, I learned early on how fortunate I am to continue to call Lambton County home. I was a student of the Lambton Kent District School Board from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 12. I served on the LKDSB as a Student Trustee during the 2015-2016 school year and represented over 22,000 students. I also hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Kinesiology from Western University.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

What motivated me to run for Trustee is my desire to ensure that all decisions made by the Lambton Kent District School Board are made with the best interest of students, staff, and community members in mind. The experiences and opportunities afforded to me during my time as a LKDSB student are ultimately what inspired me to pursue higher education. That being said, LKDSB students decide to take many different pathways when they leave our system and it is the responsibility of the board to ensure that our students are prepared with all of the knowledge and resources to succeed throughout their careers as students and beyond. If elected, it is my commitment to LKDSB staff and students that I will always be available to listen to their issues, concerns, thoughts, and ideas.  In addition, I plan to tackle issues such as expanding mental health resources to all staff and students across the board as well as exploring innovative learning opportunities for students.

  Dave Doucette
Dave Doucette

Tell us a little bit about you:

For 13 years, I worked as an Elementary School Teacher in the TDSB. I often took the lead role in Equity/Diversity, organized athletic tournaments and always engaged my students in their community. Prior to teaching, I worked in LTC recreation. I have taken on the role of union steward when nobody else would. I come from a long line of passionate, community oriented family members. It's my turn to live up to the family legacy.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I've been working in Sarnia for over a year now and was motivated to move here upon meeting so many compassionate and dedicated Sarnians. There is a real desire for change on the minds of many folks in this city. It's palpable. And I'm ready to be an agent of change. I enjoy listening to others and because of that I continue to learn everyday. I understand that keeping young people in Sarnia has been a struggle. Have we asked the right questions of our youth? Do young people feel heard? Perhaps you would you like to join me in my pursuit to find these answers. As Public School Trustee, I believe this is an important issue. I have some key ideas that I believe will inspire our young people to consider staying in their hometown and be part of the necessary change. As a member of city council, I look forward to working collectively and eagerly to respond to the needs of our constituents with all my heart, every single day.

  Jack Fletcher
Jack Fletcher

Tell us a little bit about you:

- Lifetime educator as a teacher, professor, administrator, and trustee. - Grandparent of four. Three of whom are at Northern & one who has graduated. - Past volunteer for Rebound Programs and for Special Olympics for which my wife & I have again volunteered.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I believe, strongly, education is our best investment in the future of our students, community, and country. I have the time and experience to assist in guiding LKDSB to prepare our students for the challenges they will face.

Issues include:

- Declining enrollments, especially in rural areas. - Providing appropriate learning support for students including those with physical, mental, and learning needs; from other cultures; and adults. - Finding ways to bring respect back into the equation at all our schools. Respect for self, other students, teachers administrators. We must include parents as much as we can in dealing with this challenge which will help deal with a lot of issues including bullying. - Underlying these issues is the need to ensure quality even though there are budget restraints. Increased use of technology in our schools will assist us with this issue. - Am not certain how we best deal with Covid and other threatening viruses impacting all of us. I am concerned that our students have not had the opportunity to participate fully in extracurricular activities. We need to continue to work with our parents, health organizations, and the community to keep our students and staff safe and productive.

  Maryna Greer
Maryna Greer


Tell us a little bit about you:

I am a mother of 4 children. I have an engineering degree, I speak fluently 3 languages and as a hobby learning 3 more languages.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I run for School Board Trustee position because I want to make a difference. My main objectives are: 1. To find ways for more efficient use of funds 2. To support programs for mental and physical health of students 3. To support parents and their children on their journey to success   Malinda Little
Malinda Little


Tell us a little bit about you:

During my time as a Trustee I was a member of the Student Senate, Indigenous Liaison and the Parents Information Committees. I also had the honour to serve as the Chair of the Supervised Adult Learning (SAL) committee. I am an Executive Office Administrator currently working with JD Lawn Service and have worked in the Customer Service Industry for years before that while my children were young.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I am the Mother of three. One is in elementary, one is in high school and the eldest is in college. I know the challenges we face as caregivers of brilliant young minds. We want the best for them and I feel like progress is important when it comes to education. I aspire to be a positive voice for our communities with an open mind to appropriate and progressive change. I was inspired to apply to be a trustee because I saw the struggles my children and others were having in the school system and I wanted to advocate for change. Over time, I have seen some positive changes but there is still a lot of work to do. I would love to continue representing the voices of the families and educators of the students in this community. I believe in education adapting to the needs of our kids and the best way to achieve that is by finding ways to support the creative ideas from our educators.

  Bevin Perdu

Tell us a little bit about you:

I am a mother of two young daughters, both enrolled in Lambton Kent School Board schools.  I work full time in an HR administrative position. Previously, I have worked in different administrative positions in Sarnia-Lambton in not for profit, oil and gas and long-term care. I am an active volunteer in the community involved with Relay for Life and a former board member and young professional with the Sarnia-Lambton Chamber of Commerce.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I have always been interested in running for a Lambton Kent District School Board Trustee position and being an advocate for education. Being a trustee means ensuring that education remains at the forefront of our schools, preparing my children and all children for the jobs of tomorrow. The pandemic had a huge impact in schools, and we need to ensure that we are working with school boards, teachers, parents, and community partners to help students get back on track and to move forward with their education. Let’s be prepared and know what works and what challenges were faced in case we ever face another pandemic. We also need to do better in understanding special needs in the classrooms and how equity and inclusivity are vital to supporting all students. Now more than ever we need to listen and understand the challenges that schools are facing and make decisions that will benefit all students now and in the future.  As a trustee, I will ensure that your voice is heard and work together to see that positive changes happen.

  David Shortt 
David Shortt


Tell us a little bit about you:

Im a married father of 2 grown children who graduated from Sarnia schools. I have volunteered with School Council, including a term as Chair. I also represented Lambton at provincial education conferences and advised the Ontario Educational Communications Authority. Professionally, Im a small business owner and a retired engineer from Dow Canada where I led the national EH&S team. Although new to politics, I believe in community service, volunteering with educational, sports, and environmental groups.

Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you?

I decided to run for the Trustee role to share hope and a positive message for our kids. We hear a lot of bad news: the climate crisis, war in the Ukraine, a poor economy. Instead we must be positive. We live in a peaceful country, with freedom of choice and great opportunities. We must share the positives and instill that education provides the foundation for individual success and a healthy society.

I believe in inclusion. Our school system needs to be there for everyone. All students should be welcome and have a place at the Lambton Kent board. Whether a student excels academically, is simply pursuing education, is talented with their hands, or has special needs, everyone should have opportunity. It should not matter how a student excels or how you identify, our Board needs to be there.

Good governance is a key responsibility for a School Board Trustee. Although governance is not high profile, Board members ensure the administration delivers on the required policies & procedures, budgets, and Education Act responsibilities. Board members must work with everyone to ensure good governance. As I have served on large boards, I am uniquely qualified with board and governance experience.

__________________________________________ ST. CLAIR CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (English Separate School Board) – Two to be elected Jennifer McCann
Jennifer McCann
Tell us a little bit about you: I was elected as your school board Trustee for Sarnia-Lambton in 2018 an honour that I have held with me for the last 4yrs. It has been a pleasure to listen to parent concerns and helping them navigate the sometimes challenging school system, and promptly following up if needed. Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you? Your children are our future and helping to ensure there are educated and nurtured in a kind and compassionate manner is my main focus. Mental Health is another issue that I put a lot of focus into. Students as well as the Mental Health of all the Staff in the School Board has got to be put more on the front burner and make sure everyone who needs help knows where to find it. In the role of trustee, I have attained a great deal of experience in Board Governance and Roberts Rules. Following the Board Governance is key to a successful Board, swaying from Governance sets a bad president and can make meetings unruly. The St. Clair Catholic District School Board have a dedicated Senior Team, and a Strong Leader in the newly appointed Director of Education, and I was proud to be part of that whole process. I have found all Staff at the School Board work diligently and all welcome new ideas and opportunities to increase their knowledge.   Linda Ward
Linda Ward
Tell us a little bit about you I have served on Academic, Finance, Human Resources, Catholic Education and Special Education committees. I am also a Director on the Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association, representing the St. Clair, Windsor Essex and London District Catholic school board in Toronto. As a Director I participate in lobbying the government for funding, developing policies for education, and bargaining province wide with teachers and education staff. I am a retiree of CIBC and past president of the Sarnia Lambton United Way. Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you? I am running for re-election to ensure the St Clair Catholic School board continues to move forward. We are coming out of 2 years of a pandemic. The stress on both our students and staff was overwhelming. Our teachers need supports to return to a normal school year. Our students need a combination of mental health and academic supports to ensure their success. We are just beginning negotiations with our teacher and support staff. My knowledge and experience will be of great benefit to our board. Several years ago our board finalized plans to close 6 old tired schools in Chatham and build 2 new modern schools with the infrastructure to support today's technology. We also received permission and the finances to replace our over crowded Gregory Hogan French school. There will be many decisions to be made during construction. I have the historical knowledge of the needs and rational to build these new schools and the planned programming. My experience and knowledge as a trustee for many years will ensure all of our students receive the supports and programs needed to meet their individual goals. Kaitlin McDonald - Did not respond ________________________________________ CONSEIL SCOLAIRE CATHOLIQUE PROVIDENCE (French Separate School Board) – One to be elected Sylvie C. Barbeau-Chmielewski
Sylvie C. Barbeau-Chmielewski
Tell us a little bit about you: I live in Sarnia Ontario. I am 59 years old. I have two kids: an 18 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. Active member of: les Dames de Ste-Anne; Centre Communautaire franco-ontarien; SLOHT caregivers and healthcare partners committee; And board member of l'Entité; School board trustee with CSCProvidence since 2019 Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you? I am running for school board trustee of CSCProvidence because I value my own French catholic education and my children’s. I am a retired teacher. I have been a school board trustee for 4 years. During these 4 years, I have been a member of the Special Education committee, the governance committee and the Education and Catholicism committee. After 2 years of lockdowns and restrictions, it’s imperative that our kids go back to a normal way of life. The next 4 years should be focused on students’ mental health and well-being. For elementary students, the focus should always be on language, mathematics, as well as faith. These are the foundations of a good French catholic education. At the secondary level, students should have an extensive knowledge of trades, college and university programs, to prepare them for their future. We are dealing with shortages in many fields and school boards should be exposing students to these fields to make them aware of what’s out there for them when they graduate. Quality education is the key to the success of our next generation! CSCProvidence has always strived to be the best and I am proud to be a part of it.   Meghan Reale Pour en savoir plus, visitez For more, visit Tell us a little bit about you Meghan Reale (Ph.D.) is a bilingual mother of two. She achieved her doctorate at the University of Western Ontario and University of Michigan. She is currently a workforce skills research partnership coordinator with Research Impact Canada at York University and the Future Skills Center. With her experience in education and insights into the Canadian workforce, Meghan would serve as a knowledgeable advocate ensuring a fulsome academic experience that will foster success for every student in and out of the classroom. Meghan Reale (Ph.D.) est une mère bilingue de deux jeunes. Elle a obtenu son doctorat à l'Université Western Ontario et à l'Université Michigan. Meghan est coordonnatrice des partenariats de recherche avec Réseau Impact Recherche Canada à l'Université York et au Future Skills Center. Grâce à son expérience en éducation et à sa connaissance de la main-d'œuvre canadienne, Meghan servira alliée assurant une expérience académique complète qui favorisera la réussite de chaque élève en dedans et hors de la salle de classe. Why did you decide to run in this election, and what issues are most important to you? Meghan has experience with non-profit organizations in roles that require the leadership qualities and skill sets to be successful at governance. Currently, Meghan is the vice-president of board of directors for Sarnia-Lambton Rebound, a nationally accredited organization responsible for inclusive youth-driven programming across Ontario designed to support and empower the successful development of youth. As your representative trustee at our school board, Meghan will advocate for key strategic priorities including (1) student support services ensuring each child has access to the resources they need to succeed; (2) fiscal responsibility to maintain the viability of French education that each community is entitled to; and (3) emphasize the contribution and input of parents/guardians to maximize student success. Meghan a de l'expérience avec des organisations à but non lucratif dans des rôles qui nécessitent des qualités de leadership et des compétences pour réussir en matière de gouvernance. Meghan est vice-présidente du conseil d'administration de Sarnia-Lambton Rebound, un organisme accrédité à l'échelle nationale responsable de programmes inclusifs axés sur les jeunes dans tout l'Ontario, conçus pour soutenir et habiliter le développement réussi des jeunes. Meghan plaiderai pour les services de soutien aux élèves garantissant que chaque enfant a accès aux ressources dont il a besoin pour réussir; la responsabilité financière de maintenir la viabilité de l'éducation en français à laquelle chaque communauté a droit; et mettre l'accent sur la contribution des parents/tuteurs pour maximiser la réussite des élèves.

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