Ignite Sarnia returns May 22 with another group of speakers sharing interesting ideas and funny stories.
Ignite Sarnia is a fast-paced event in which speakers entertain and inspire. The catch? They’re given just five minutes and must keep up to their slide show of 20 slides auto-advancing every 15 seconds.
Organizers Julie Jenkins, Karen Minty and Megan O'Neil say they hope to attract more speakers with new concepts, stories or community causes.
Several Ignite Sarnia events have been held since 2014 with speaker topics ranging from underwater photography to neighbourhood improvement, beer, and online dating.
The next one is at Mixx Lounge, 180 Front St. N. starting at 7 p.m. All are welcome.
For speaker applications, visit the Ignite Sarnia Facebook page. Deadline to apply is May 8.
Potential speaker who need help with a presentation can email organizers at [email protected] or for more on the concept visit http://www.ignitetalks.io/about