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The Sarnia Journal has partnered with local photographer Art Connolly to feature his captivating “Humans of Sarnia” series as he delves into the lives and experiences of everyday people in Sarnia. Follow his series on Instagram and Facebook
Adam Kilner

I had the pleasure of sitting down for coffee with Adam Kilner, a dedicated city councillor here in Sarnia. My interest often lies in uncovering the personal stories behind public figures, as we usually form our opinions based on their public roles. Meeting Adam, I was eager to learn about the man beyond the political persona.

From the outset, Adam made a strong impression with his firm handshake, easy smile, and direct eye contact. He carries an aura of approachability and genuine interest in those around him.

Adam’s journey began in Windsor, where he was born and fostered by the Rev. Adam Vinson and his wife Erma, who remarkably fostered over 200 children in the Windsor-Detroit area over 50 years. At 20 months old, Adam was adopted by Earle and Gail Kilner, joining a family of 12 children, 10 of whom were also adopted.

He attended Northern Collegiate before leaving Sarnia to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies at the University of Waterloo, graduating in 2006. He continued his education by earning a Master of Divinity from the University of Toronto’s Victoria University.

Adam was away from Sarnia for a total of 11 years in which he attended university and started his ministry in Alberta but his commitment to his roots eventually brought him back to Sarnia. Today, he serves as an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada and is the current minister of Dunlop United Church in Sarnia.

Throughout our conversation, it was clear how well-known and beloved Adam is in the community. Many people stopped to say hello, and Adam greeted each one with a warm smile and engaging conversation.

Adam is more than a councillor; he’s an activist and advocate for numerous causes in Sarnia. He has participated in events such as the Walk for Alzheimer’s and has fundraised for Big Brothers. Recently, he returned from an inspiring trip to Kathmandu, where he and his colleagues trekked 110 kilometers through the Himalayas, reaching 4,300 meters above sea level, raising over $13,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sarnia-Lambton.

His advocacy also extends to promoting diversity, equity, and support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Adam is passionate about strengthening relations with Indigenous people and is active in sports, enjoying hockey, kayaking, and squash.

My time with Adam reminded me of Maya Angelou’s profound words: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Adam Kilner’s presence indeed makes you feel heard and appreciated.

Thank you, Adam, for sharing your story and your unwavering commitment to our community.

Humans of Sarnia” founder Art Connolly is a man fuelled by curiosity and a passion for connecting with people in Sarnia. Inspired by the renowned “Humans of New York” series, with a camera in hand, he captures the very essence of the individuals he encounters, preserving their stories through his lens. "Humans of Sarnia” founder Art Connolly is a man fuelled by curiosity and a passion for connecting with people in Sarnia. Inspired by the renowned “Humans of New York” series, with a camera in hand, he captures the very essence of the individuals he encounters, preserving their stories through his lens.

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