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Suncor Agora in Centennial Park

The Sarnia Journal has partnered with the nuSarnia Foundation to feature a series of stories promoting active transportation and community wellness.

Suncor Agora in Centennial Park has the potential to become a cherished public space for Sarnia residents.

Great public spaces are where celebrations are held, social and economic exchanges occur, friends meet, and cultures blend. They are the “front porches” of our public institutions—libraries, field houses, schools—where we interact with each other and with government. When these spaces work well, they serve as the stage for our public lives. But what makes some places succeed while others fail?

A successful public space generally possesses four key qualities:

  • Access & Linkages: A successful public space is easy to access and navigate, and is visible from both a distance and up close.
  • Comfort & Image: Comfort involves perceptions of safety, cleanliness, shade and the availability of seating.
  • Uses & Activities: Activities are the essential building blocks of a place. Having things to do gives people reasons to visit and return.
  • Sociability: When people see friends, meet neighbors, and feel comfortable interacting with strangers, they develop a stronger sense of place and community attachment.1

If the city of Sarnia decides to enhance this space to meet the needs of its citizens, these qualities should be prioritized to improve Suncor Agora as a vibrant public space.

nuSarnia is a passionate group of social entrepreneurs committed to making Sarnia the best it can be – a vibrant, lively city where people are excited to live, work, play and learn. We are committed to raising awareness, sharing knowledge, acquiring wisdom, fostering collaboration and attentively listing to create a more connected, active and healthy community.

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