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Visiting Second World War bomber focal point of tours, dance

Jake Romphf Seventy-four years ago it flew in combat missions in the Second World War, and next month it will touch down in Sarnia.
This B-25 bomber from the Second World War, known as Maid in the Shade, will be at Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport from July 9-15. Photo courtesy, Andrew Stemple / Andrew Stemple Images

Jake Romphf

Seventy-four years ago it flew in combat missions in the Second World War, and next month it will touch down in Sarnia.

The B-25 Bomber “Maid in the Shade” will visit Chris Hadfield Airport during a July 9-15 stopover in the Summer Flying Legends of Victory Tour.

Residents can, for a fee, tour the aircraft and even take rides on the iconic warbird.

The aircraft is also the focal point of the second annual Wings Over Sarnia Pathways Gala. The 1940s-themed event hosted by Huron Flight Services and Badger Daylighting on July 13 will feature a dinner, swing dance and Toronto All-Star Big Band in support of Pathways Health Centre for Children.

The “Maid in the Shade” is one of 10,000 B-25s that were built but one of just 34 of the bombers still flying today.

The aircraft was used in the United States’ first large-scale bombing in the Philippines and is credited with sinking eight ships and shooting down five enemy planes.

Built in 1944, it flew 15 combat missions between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 of that year, many of them over Italy.

The aircraft is part of the Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa, Arizona, which tours three restored Second World War planes across North America, including the “Sentimental Journey” B17 bomber that visited Sarnia last summer.

Tours of the aircraft the week of July 9-15 will be offered Monday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Tuesday to Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost is $10 (US), or $20 (US) for a family of four.

Rides are offered Friday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a cost of $350 and $650 (US).

Tickets to the Wings Over Sarnia Pathways Gala, $100 for the dinner and dance, $30 dance only, are available on Eventbrite, at Pathways, and by calling 519-542-3471, ext. 243 or ext. 523 and speaking to Tracy or Kristina.

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