Only God can determine when we die
Sir: Regarding the Oct. 22 article, “More residents opting for medically assisted death.”
Wow. Another huge example of misdirected compassion when a family physician can actually come forward and say, upon euthanizing her first patient, it was “an amazing and beautiful experience.”
Attributing her ability to perform medically assisted suicide, which MAID prefers to call assisted dying, to the fact she lives in Canada and how grateful she is, should be enough to make all Canadians hang their heads in shame for not rising up against such atrocities.
We have no laws against killing babies, and now we’re bragging about having more assisted suicides.
What I know to be true is that God, Our Creator, remains the sovereign master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for His honour and the salvation of our souls.
We are not owners of the life God has entrusted to us. It is NOT ours to dispose of.
What I also know to be true is that suffering, in one form or another, happens to all human beings. In cases of intense pain and unbearable suffering, great strides have been made in palliative care with medications to lessen, and in most cases, alleviate physical pain altogether.
And the mental health community is working to alleviate psychological afflictions and excruciating pain in this area as well.
Let us lend our support to those helping the downtrodden and those who feel despair and hopelessness.
In the article, Dr. Chantal Perrot tries to make a convincing case that safeguards are built into the legislation. But I urge all Canadians to look up and read Bill C-7 and determine for themselves whether it contains loopholes or not.
Are the very vulnerable protected, or is the legislation, in fact, very scary?
The bottom line: Only God decides on the moment we arrive on this earth and the moment we leave and are called back to Him.
Remember, He is a jealous God who loves us. He is all knowing, all just, and we are His.
Mary Mitro
Tree planting successful
Sir: I would like to thank the citizens of Sarnia-Lambton for once again supporting our Community Tree Planting event.
On Saturday, Oct. 17, many people gathered at Mike Weir Park to help us plant a variety of native trees. Over 400 new saplings are now taking root to beautify our world and sustain future generations.
Gratitude to our partners Lambton Wildlife, Return the Landscape, and the City of Sarnia Parks Department. We also appreciate those who purchased our ‘forest cards,’ as their donations funded this reforestation effort.
Long may our precious natural world, and all its inhabitants, thrive.
Elizabeth Soltis
Climate Action Sarnia-Lambton
Please consider your neighbours before making noise
Sir: Regarding the Oct. 22 letter, “Why are overloud motorcycles allowed?” I would like to add, why are overloud lawnmowers allowed?"
With this COVID-19 pandemic keeping us more at home, it’s been much easier to hear the noises in the neighbourhood. Perhaps more people are using lawn-mowing as a "sport" as well.
My peeve is overloud lawnmowers that grace/graze the grass. The season is now coming to an end, but I have tallied one neighbour using a (very loud!) lawnmower 36 times, for about two hours (interrupted) at a stretch.
On the nice days that induced the lawn care, I had plans to read on my porch without being blasted from my "perch."
That, and recovering from a traumatic injury has increased my sensitivity to noise, or decreased my tolerance of it. Thirty-six mowing sessions in one year seems rather excessive.
I urge people to please consider your neighbours' comfort when using equipment with high decibel levels.
"Like the motorcycle complainant, I too am looking forward to the winter ... when the snowplows start up!"
Barbara Ozburn
Bright’s Grove
Alarmed by doctor’s comments promoting euthanasia
Sir: I was deeply disheartened and also alarmed by Dr. Chantal Perrot's comments promoting euthanasia in The Sarnia Journal Oct. 22 story, “More residents opting for medically assisted death.”
What kind of people have we become as Canadians?
It is against such deadly deceptions as abortion and euthanasia that a group of Christians have been walking around Bluewater Health since Sept. 23 pleading respect for all human life.
Marie-Paule Wilkinson
Bright’s Grove