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Letters: week of Aug. 22

Election will hinge on abortion, climate narrative Sir: I expect this upcoming federal election is going to be very interesting where two big issues will take centre stage at candidate debates throughout Canada, including our riding of Sarnia-Lambton
Letters to the editor

Election will hinge on abortion, climate narrative

Sir: I expect this upcoming federal election is going to be very interesting where two big issues will take centre stage at candidate debates throughout Canada, including our riding of Sarnia-Lambton.

The two issues, is suspect, will be abortion and global warming/carbon tax.

Viewing what’s happening in the U.S. concerning abortion, there’s room for optimism that abortion will be banned eventually.

To my surprise, even in my constituency of Sarnia-Lambton, I welcomed people (many strangers) to sign a pro-life petition.

My estimate of all that I approached so far, at least 60% were against abortion; and of that amount, ¾ indicate on the petition they would vote only for a pro-life candidate.

It other words, abortion will be the litmus test whether one is votable or not, regardless of his or her (or party’s) views on other issues.

I see no reason that our constituency should differ from many others throughout Canada.

The need to outlaw abortion is paramount, because abortion is getting worse under P.M. Trudeau’s Liberals penalizing those who object to the killing of the unborn (think attestation program), and spending hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to promote abortion abroad.

The passion for abortion by our PM knows no bounds, like no other past administration.

As to the unproven, bizarre, apocalyptic climate narrative, it’s a situation where the cure is worse than the disease, where one is much more likely to starve to death because of the burdensome cost leaving little money for anything else like food, medicine, etc.

As more Canadians say bye to the leftist agenda espoused by most of the main line parties, I foresee the day that only the Conservative Party, People’s Party and the Christian Heritage Party will be serious contenders for the throne, so to speak.

Yes; I know. “It’s the economy, stupid!” Well, even on that point, let’s ask all the candidates their position on the economy as well. Particularly ask each one of them their party’s tax plan.

The public is going to be pleasantly surprised at CHP’s tax proposal.

Harry De Boer



Crosswalk represents love, acceptance

Sir: In response to John Parker's defense of Margaret Bird, David Boushy and Terry Burrell regarding their 'no' votes for the rainbow walk: How can anyone be offended by a flag whose colours signify pink for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for spirit?

The Pride rainbow represents unconditional love and acceptance. And appreciation for all the beauty that surrounds us.

Every crosswalk in every community should be a rainbow!

Jane Eyre



Reader finds councillor’s comments offensive

Sir: I just finished reading the article “Councillor and MP clash over Christian beliefs” (Aug. 8 edition).

I immediately took offence to Councillor Colquhoun’s comments towards MP Marilyn Gladu. His comments indicate to me someone that is very left-leaning, liberal-leaning and inclined to be hurtful and hateful in general.

I see so much of this in the news lately, especially in the United States.

If Mr. Colquhoun lived in the U.S. I would imagine him to be part of the left-leaning Democrats that have a whole slew of weird and wonderful ideas and where they love to spread a message of hate also.

This councillor acts as though he was part of the group of the last council, which sowed so much hatred towards Mayor Bradley.

Most of them got soundly beaten in the last election and wasted the taxpayers’ time and money launching complaints to a biased integrity commissioner against the mayor.

In this case, I sincerely hope MP Gladu launches a complaint with the integrity commissioner for Coun. Colquhoun’s comments and actions.

James Holmes


Don’t neglect SCITS property

Sir: And so it begins. The S.C.I.T.S. building - its name carved in stone - has been closed for less than two months and already there are signs it is headed in the same direction as the former Sarnia General Hospital.

Early this morning as I walked to the farmer’s market, I passed by a man with what appeared to be all his worldly possessions sleeping at the back of the school property. Weeds are beginning to infiltrate the grounds and garbage is accumulating.

Before this community has to endure the development of another confluence for drug-mongers, I urge the Lambton Kent District School Board to be proactive in its care of this property. Yes – Sarnia Police drive by on a regular basis - but in my opinion, the board should be providing 24-hour security until the property becomes the responsibility of another owner.

Kathy Milliken


Gladu disrespecting councillors

Sir: Regarding the article, Aug. 8 that Councillor Nathan Colquhoun should resign over the clash of MP Marilyn’s Christian beliefs in my opinion is pettiness.

My understanding is that they did meet at one point to work their differences out.

They are both entitled to their own opinions and the MP is not being very respectful of her city councillors. This is an election year and it looks bad on her. Leave things alone!

These kind of people back stabbing our new council is starting to be another team of troublemakers just trying to stir up trouble.

You know the public elected the council we have and I think they are really trying to do a decent job.

The last thing this city needs is flack and interference or constantly running down our new city representatives.

Keep up the good work Councillors and Mayor Bradley. You’re doing a great job and it’s a breath of fresh air seeing them all work great together.

Keep up the good work!

Marie Timperley


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