Journal staff
The Sarnia-Lambton Local Immigration Partnership (SL-LIP) and the Sarnia-Lambton Antiracism, Diversity & Inclusion Committee (SLARDIC) are hosting a free workshop at the Lambton College Events Centre, Tuesday.
The event, “Racism is Bad for our Health: From Conversation to Action on Discrimination” aims to collect public input into the development of a community anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and anti-oppression strategy.
Participants will be invited to share ideas for solutions and actions to address racism and discrimination in Lambton County and hear presentations from local leaders and organizations. “We find ourselves on the cusp of meaningful change in Lambton,” said Stephanie Ferrera, SL-LIP Project Coordinator. “The community is ready to do the work and should be recognized as champions of this change.”
Two sessions will be held on Tuesday, September 12. An afternoon session from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m. and an evening session from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Registration is required, with lunch provided for the afternoon session and dinner for the evening session.
For additional information and to register, please visit the Eventbrite event page.