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Going nuts on a new farm crop

Going nuts on a new farm crop

Dave Ferguson is planting three to four acres of nut tree seedlings this spring, part of a fledgling movement to establish a hazelnut industry in Ontario. “The crop is new but the market is there,” Ferguson said.
Awesome is as Awesome does

Awesome is as Awesome does

Trustees had a real challenge deciding who would get this month’s $1,000 from Sarnia’s Awesome Foundation at its March pitch party. “They’re all good ideas.

CARP gives Boomers new vision of aging

Sarnia is an aging community. The median age is 44.8 years, meaning half of Sarnians are older and half are younger. That’s four years above the Ontario median, and five years older than the city was a decade ago, according to the 2011 census.

Older drivers facing new licence test

Charges are coming on April 21 to the driving test that Ontarians must take after turning 80.
A sneak peek of glorious spring

A sneak peek of glorious spring

As winter rages outside, a pair of Sarnia gardeners are working seven days a week to ensure Sarnia looks terrific year round. Thousands of seeds, seedlings and cuttings are nurtured into an award-winning palette of floral beauty.

Sustainability Conference

A free half-day conference will be held in Sarnia on April 24 to highlight the work being done in Sarnia-Lambton to make it a more sustainable community. Copies of the 2014 Community Snapshot will be available. The conference is from 7:30 a.m.
Tanker truck load of oil pulled from Canatara Park

Tanker truck load of oil pulled from Canatara Park

So much oil is trying to enter Lake Chipican from a leaking landfill site that city hall wants to train staff for a new job description – oil field roustabout.
Sculptures on loan still hanging around

Sculptures on loan still hanging around

Seven pieces of outdoor street art arrived in Sarnia’s in 2010, sparking an outburst of praise and derision from would-be art critics. The sculptures were part of a two-year loan from the Sauve Art Foundation of Michigan.

Tree clearing leaves Point Edward stumped

Residents have been asking what happened to a waterfront woodlot in Point Edward. Stumps are all that remain of the acreage between the Blue Water Bridge and Point Edward Casino.

Sarnia booster has ‘positively positive’ outlook

If the City of Sarnia had a cheerleading squad Michele Dionne would be its captain. The mother of three, businesswoman and driving force behind SarniaRocks is a relentlessly upbeat person, and enthusiastic booster of the city.