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News briefs

Call for artists Art Under Glass Lambton is inviting local artists in all media to join its show and sale at Degroot’s Nurseries on London Line on October 4-5. The event is also a fundraiser for the Inn of the Good Shepherd.
Taking bread to the (science) fair

Taking bread to the (science) fair

Nadine Kooy, 10, left, of Sarnia Christian School, and Abby Vrolyk, 10, of Confederation Central School, baked up some fun and claimed exhibition silver and a cash prize with their “Bread Science” entry at the Lambton County Science Fair held at Lamb
Local music festival Canadian one-of-a-kind

Local music festival Canadian one-of-a-kind

Churches and schools will rings with music when the Lambton County Music Festival returns for an amazing 85th year. More than 500 participants have signed up to compete at six locations in Sarnia between April 21 and May 1.
Upsurge of UFO sightings over Sarnia

Upsurge of UFO sightings over Sarnia

Mysterious red and white lights witnessed by several people over Lansdowne Park on March 30 were the latest in an upsurge of UFO sightings over Sarnia.
Lawrence House bounces back from the brink

Lawrence House bounces back from the brink

After teetering on the brink of closure, the Lawrence House Centre for the Arts is solidly back in the black. “I couldn’t have imagined it would be this good,” says chairman Leonard Segall.
A local idea that mushroomed

A local idea that mushroomed

Score one for Sarnia’s research park A Sarnia-based tech developer is teaming up with Canada’s largest mushroom producer to build a facility in Ontario using a process developed at the Western Sarnia-Lambton Research Park on Modeland Road. The $1.

Expecting a baby this summer?

Parents expecting a baby in June or July can register now for prenatal classes beginning April 26 in Point Edward. The classes run three consecutive Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Weekday evening classes also available.
Kenwick photo trips memories for many

Kenwick photo trips memories for many

A photo published in The Journal of teens jiving at a 1956 “rock and roll night” tripped memories for many Sarnians of a certain age. Joyce Williamson, 75, recognized her 16-year-old self standing in the crowd.

Quilts leave patients in the pink

A group of quilters is providing comfort to women undergoing treatment for breast cancer. The Pink Quilt Project has seen more than 20 local quilters make and donate comfortable blankets to grateful recipients.
River City to appeal court decision

River City to appeal court decision

Financial and moral support is arriving from across Canada to help River City Vineyard Church appeal a court decision that shuts down its men’s shelter, says Rev. George Esser.