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United Way announces 2024 Campaign Goal

Mike Edgar, the 2024 United Way of Sarnia-Lambton campaign Chair.

For the first time in several years, the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton has set a goal higher than the previous year.

"We recognize the need is great this year, and our funded agencies along with their clients are feeling the effects of inflation,” said Campaign Chair Mike Edgar. “We felt it was appropriate to set the goal one percent higher than last year's achievement.” 

The 2024 United Way campaign goal will be $1,487,000. 

"We wanted to be realistic in terms of what can be raised while at the same time, recognizing those increasing needs," Edgar said.

The traditional unofficial start to the campaign is Saturday August 31, with the annual Sarnia Sting Black and White game at the Progressive Auto Sales Arena at 4 p.m. Admission is a donation, and Sting fans are encouraged to buy 50-50 and raffle tickets.

"Last year, we raised over $5,000 thanks to the generosity of the Sarnia Sting, and the many Sarnia Sting fans in the community," Edgar said.

Last year, the United Way reached and exceeded its goal, enabling the United Way to fund more poverty-related programs and services, according to a news release. 

"While some funding is going to homeless and warming shelters, a big piece of our funding is being used for poverty reduction, and trying to prevent people and families from going into poverty and possibly becoming homeless," Edgar stated. 

In addition to The River City Vineyard, and the Walpole Island Warming Shelter, United Way funds various programs through the Salvation Army, an income tax preparation program through the Inn of the Good Shepherd, a breakfast and nutrition program in the city and county schools, and helps subsidize Meals on Wheels and Transportation services for seniors and people with disabilities.

The official United Way campaign kickoff, the Day of Caring, is doing more maintenance at the homes of seniors and people with disabilities. United Way also funds the Handyman program through Habitat for Humanity.

Youth funding remains an important focus for the United Way as well with funding being used for Big Brothers Big Sisters, BGC, the Youth Resource Houses, and the Autism Summer camp through the YMCA.

In all, 17 agencies depend on the United Way for funding, and with the investments made by the United Way, 29 local programs and services are available in Sarnia and Lambton County.

Thanks to early fundraising events and late donations from last year, the campaign has raised 20% of the goal, and currently sits at $300,000, slightly ahead of last year's pace, Edgar added.

"We are delighted to be off to a great start; we have a long way to go, but we are pleased so far.”

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