Cathy Dobson
Point Edward council has elected to fill a seat vacated by Lauren Drury with the candidate who came just 32 votes behind her in the 2022 municipal election.
Arianna Noctor, 29, is council’s newest member and will be sworn in June 27.
“I’m both grateful and excited,” said Noctor on Wednesday evening, minutes after learning she will join council.
“When I moved here as a teen, I fell in love with this community and want to do my part to ensure it’s a great place for families to come and stay.”
Noctor, a political newcomer, volunteered to sit on the village’s committee of adjustment after losing the Oct. 24 election. She came in fifth of five candidates for a council that has four council seats.
Drury, also a political novice, won the fourth seat but stepped down last week.
“Twelve months ago when I decided to run, I never imagined a world where I wouldn’t be residing in Point Edward full-time,” she wrote in her resignation letter. It went on to say she had accepted an opportunity to move to Ottawa and operate a restaurant there.
“Because of that I do not feel I can give 100% to council and, in turn, (give) our residents what they deserve,” Drury wrote.
Noctor, who has a partner and two young children, is general manager of Planet Fitness in Sarnia. She left Point Edward to study law and society at Wilfrid Laurier University and returned to the village afterward.
During her election campaign, Noctor said she believed council should focus on residential and commercial growth, as well as more social connectivity.
On learning that council approved a zoning bylaw amendment Wednesday that opens the door for a large housing development on Exmouth Street, Noctor called it very exciting.
“I would love to see growth in Point Edward,” she said. “I want to do whatever I can to ensure enrolment numbers keep Bridgeview School open.”