A new Homelessness and Addiction Treatment (HART) Hub in Sarnia is planned to be operational by April 1, 2025.
The Sarnia-Lambton HART Hub, announced today by MPP Bob Bailey at the Lambton County Shared Services Office, will be one of 18 new homelessness and addiction recovery treatment hubs across the province, bringing the total to 27. The hubs will be supported by a $529 million investment, and are part of a larger effort by the provincial government to improve access to mental health support services across Ontario.
“Establishing a total of 27 new HART Hubs across the province is one more way our government is improving access to mental health and addiction support services that better reflect the needs of people and their families experiencing these mental health challenges," said Bailey. “We are taking the next step to help more people get that treatment and the support they need to break the cycle of addiction."
The HART Hub, which will be located at the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent building at 210 Lochiel St. in downtown Sarnia, is only a part of the project, which includes: 12 supportive housing units implemented by Indwell, 30 treatment recovery beds, and a Mobile Care Outreach Clinic 5 days a week.

The project is a collaboration between Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent, Ontario Health Team Sarnia-Lambton, Bluewater Health, North Lambton Community Health Centre, and the County of Lambton.
MPP Bob Bailey explained the HART Hubs is a model based on “existing integrated hubs in Ontario that connect people with complex needs to tailored comprehensive treatment and preventative services.”
The Sarnia-Lambton HART Hub will “build on the services currently being provided by the County and partners at the Housing and Homelessness Resource Centre," explained Lambton County Warden Kevin Marriott.
“The group is very well equipped to provide a unique mix of supportive wraparound services that will meet the needs of our community. Through these strong partnerships, the hub will provide people with fast access to a wide variety of services," said Marriott.
“The Lambton County HART Hub will serve as a beacon of hope, providing a centralized location where individuals can easily access a range of services tailored to their unique needs," said Rhonny Doxtator, CEO of Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent. Services will include access to primary care, housing, mental health, and addiction support.
“We must be fearless in addressing the social determinants of health, poverty, inequity, and discrimination, the very factors that prevent individuals from fully participating in our community”, said Doxtator. “The Lambton County Heart Hub is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together towards a common goal."
“It’s a great opportunity to systematically improve communication, navigation, and the continuity of services for individuals and families," said Cathy Bressette, Executive Director at the North Lambton Community Health Centre.
Valerie Colasanti, General Manager of Social Services at the County of Lambton, explained that there is data that demonstrated the need for a hub. Currently, there are 320 homeless individuals in the County’s “by-name list”, out of which 72% are chronically homeless.
“We knew where the gaps were. We just didn't have the dollars," said Colasanti.
One of the outreach workers present at the event shared the Hub’s potential to enhance client support. “It will be somewhere where we can bring clients who are truly wanting the help and the necessary services that are being provided now. That will just give us the positive outcomes that we're looking for."
When asked about how this announcement will impact the support available for people being evicted from Rainbow Park, Councillor Brian White described the announcement as “a little bit of serendipity."
“The announcement that we're hearing today is going to better enable us to work with the folks now who are going to be dispersed," said White.
“When they're centralized, as they've been in one area, it's a lot easier for us to put our teams and maximize their time and efficiently work with folks. Once they're spread out, it becomes a lot more difficult. So hopefully this will very quickly start to answer some of those concerns that we have of seeing folks dispersed throughout the community," he explained.
“Most importantly, it's going to provide real resources."